You started a what?

Well... Here I am, starting a blog and writing my first post. Until today I honestly didn't even know how people found blogs. Nor did I know that a blog is not something you "follow" or become "friends" with... It's just there. Out in cyber space.
So whether I write to none or to hundreds, here I begin this journey.

You may be wondering why I titled my blog "to be continued... written by a girl named fancy". First off, let me explain that yes, my name is infact legally Fancy, and let me apologize for my lack of capitalization (to be honest, I just felt the all lower case title looked better graphically).  Secondly, let me share with you a verse from Phillipians that intrigues me, and ultimately convinced me to start this blog.  In chapter 1 Paul says "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." In this verse we find two things: (1) The Lord is consistently, day by day, working through each of His children, moulding them and shaping them and making them more beautiful and effective for the kingdom of God. And (2) this "work" that He has begun in us, will continue until the day Jesus Christ comes back for us, and takes us to ultimate glory with Him. What an encouraging and inspiring statement! Where we stand today is only but a glimpse of our life in Jesus Christ. Through trial and blessing and through good times and bad, The Lord never ceases to use the situations we go through to grow us and build us up and guide us and teach us.

This blog is about the story of the work The Lord is doing in me... My hope and prayer is that through the words and photos I post on this blog I might be able to shine a light on the Lord's sovereignty and faithfulness in the life of one of His children. In Christ, we are all stories to be continued. And we all have one beautiful end: the coming of our Saviour, and eternity with Him.


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